Getting your teams back to work safely
Rapid-10 is a portable, high performance, eco-friendly sanitiser suitable for all types of hard surfaces including food preparation surfaces.
It eliminates and protects against harmful microorganisms that surround us every day. It works to break the chain of infection that we’re naturally exposed to.
Rapid-10 is an Anti-Viral Surface Disinfectant which contains a natural anti-microbial and anti-viral active ingredient found in many foods which is effective against a wide spectrum of bacteria and viruses.
Rapid-10 is designed to target key features that a bacteria needs to survive and multiply thus killing or inactivating bacteria.
Rapid-10 is eco-friendly, due to the all natural formulation process, with active biological ingredients used as opposed to alcohol.
Laboratory tested against “enveloped” viruses similar to COVID-19 and achieved 99.9-99.99% kill ratio across the testing range.*

Helps reduce the spread of COVID-19
Helps prevent further re-infections
Easy to transport
Simple operation
No power or compressed air source is required
Safe for indoor use
Discharged in the form of a light mist spray
Dries in under 10 minutes
Suitable for both interior and exterior
Non-staining solution
Up to 30 minutes of discharge time
Shoulder strap supports with user application
Rapid-10 is available in a number of different sizes to provide protection suitable for your business: 3 ltr, 6 ltr, 50 ltr, 100 ltr. The easiest way to sanitise areas large or small, for the ultimate protection and peace of mind.
*No company has been able to test against the current COVID-19 Coronavirus strain, however, we do know that COVID-19 has a virus ‘envelope’ structure. This suggests it will be sensitive to Rapid-10 Anti-Viral Disinfectant as it kills 99.9% of similar ‘enveloped’ viruses in under 5 minutes. As such leading scientific teams have tested the products against several of these viruses: HERPESSimplex 1, H1N1, HIV, Hepatitis B.