Enabling your Compliance with Social Distancing
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses are having to comply with Government guidance and Social Distancing restrictions to control the number of visitors entering their facility or building.
Many have responded with assigning physical personnel to control the customer traffic at their entrances which is not only an additional overhead but also puts them at risk of coming into contact with large numbers of the public.
Our Social Distancing Occupancy Control Solution can assist businesses to help comply with safe occupancy limits at their store or site for the safety of customers and staff.
Our enhanced live occupancy solution can be implemented and customised to your specific requirements. This can be configured with screen displays at the entrance to your store or site that quickly informs customers whether it is safe to enter or for them to wait until someone exits because maximum occupancy has been reached.
The system analyses how many people are inside an area and allows you to display numbers in real-time and can link with digital signage.
The system can trigger an alarm when maximum capacity is met and can link with a traffic light system or use audio and visual verification to notify staff/public when the premises are full.
Also, the technology can be configured with automatic door closures and door locking systems, automatically controlling them once the number of people has reached the store or building’s capacity.
This solution has been designed to support the wide range of industries on the frontline of the nation’s fight against Coronavirus, as well as those looking to prepare for when current restrictions are eased.
Track and manage incoming visitor traffic with digital screening
Monitor live your occupancy levels to keep your customers and staff safe
Set your store/site occupancy thresholds
Live occupancy dashboards
Automatic notifications
Multiple doors and wide entrances
24/7/365 support
Labour deployment efficiency and savings – removing human error from occupancy levels
Risk mitigation – compliance with social distancing, critical for current COVID-19 pandemic and post pandemic
Reduces social interaction – decreases the risk of cross-contamination to your staff and the public