FSE Fire & Security has formally integrated into Marlowe Fire & Security, effective from November 1st 2021

Our History
In December 2019, FSE was acquired by Marlowe plc to join the Fire Life Safety and Security Division; Marlowe Fire & Security Group.
Established in 2005, Nottingham based FSE Fire Safety Systems, FSE Security Systems and FSE Sprinklers & Risers focused on the delivery of specialist areas of mechanical fire protection, including; residential and commercial sprinkler systems, dry and wet risers, fire doors, fire stopping and compartmentation.
In November 2020, FSE officially consolidated its corporate structure (the existing FSE Fire Safety Systems, FSE Sprinklers & Risers and FSE Security Systems) to a single legal entity and changed name to FSE Fire & Security Limited.
The integration of these trading entities was to provide our customers who benefit from the wide range of fire life safety and security services we provide with a single legal trading entity, standardised bank details and streamlined invoicing process.
Since then FSE has been investigating new ways to simplify its corporate structure to provide customers a more integrated and streamlined service.
What are the benefits of the integration for our customers?
By uniting the capabilities and resources of FSE Fire & Security and Marlowe Fire & Security as a consolidated entity, we can now offer a more extensive range of capabilities and services across the range of sectors in which we operate.
During our many years of serving both commercial and domestic customers across the UK, both FSE Fire & Security and Marlowe Fire & Security have independently established themselves as fire life safety and security service providers of choice.
Combining our business development and engineering teams and uniting them behind a single brand allows us to sharpen our focus and provide a truly superior customer experience. By driving closer working relationships with a much larger electrical and mechanical, fire life safety and security engineering team we will be able to provide an enhanced service, resulting in improved customer care and service.
What will change and what will stay the same?
From November 1st 2021 all future company communications will be branded Marlowe Fire & Security.
In addition, our email addresses have changed to @marlowefireandsecurity.com and our new advertised telephone number is 0333 010 2000. The FSE websites have migrated to www.marlowefireandsecurity.com in addition to updating our social media accounts and online directories.
Please be aware that all current email addresses will be automatically redirected to ensure no communication is lost and our existing telephone number diverted.
Our people (including day-to-day contacts), insurance cover, accreditations, ultimate company ownership and adherence to our agreed contractual obligations remain unaffected by the change.
To help you familiarise yourself with our range of company policies, Terms & Conditions, and insurance cover, please click on the links below or go to our Downloads Page for more information.
This new chapter is an exciting step for our business and customers and we look forward to exploring the new opportunities that Marlowe Fire & Security can offer.
As Marlowe Fire & Security it is our mission to deliver a world class service to all our customers, focussed on ensuring your compliance, safety and security.
If you have any questions, or require any further information, please email fseintegration@marlowefireandsecurity.com