Safe as Houses (1 Hour)
The presentation is a guide to Fire Safety within residential buildings. We specifically focus on best practice solutions by utilising current technology within the Fire Detection and Alarm industry, to enable designers and consultants to protect the occupants within these buildings without the risk of generating unwanted fire alarm signals, with a view to enhancing and improving the current and future fire strategies adopted in many high risk residential buildings across the UK.
Understanding the Cost of Fire (1 Hour)
Explore what went wrong at a fatal incident and gain knowledge of how the latest standards and fire technology are being implemented to mitigate future risk. The course provides an overview of the findings of the Rose Park Care Home accident and highlights some potential risks presented by buildings of this type and what can be done to mitigate those risks and prevent future tragedies.
An Overview of BS 5839-1: 2017 (1.5 Hours)
Gain a full understanding of the revised British Standard, BS 5839-1: 2017, the Code of Practice for system design, installation, commissioning and maintenance of fire detection and alarm systems within the UK. The course is aimed at any professional involved in providing fire detection and alarm systems with advice on what is required in each step of the process, as well as your responsibilities during the life of the system.
Understanding Fire Legislation (1 Hour)
A course designed to review current fire safety legislation, paying particular attention to The Fire & Rescue Services Act 2004 and the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order implemented in October 2006. This seminar includes an overview on what a fire risk assessment entails and what government help is available in meeting this requirement.
A Designers’ Guide to Fire Alarm Systems (3 Hours)
A designer’s guide for fire alarm systems covered within BS 5839-1: 2017. The course is aimed at providing any professional party involved in the design of a fire alarm system with guidance on the choice and positioning of fire detection equipment within a building.
Fire System Protocol (1 Hour)
The issue with system protocol is that the terms ‘open’ and ‘closed’ are used in so many different ways. This seminar explains what protocol means, as well as the impact it has on your choice of fire systems provider and on the essential service and maintenance required to ensure your site is managed in accordance with current legislation.
False Alarm Prevention (1.5 Hours)
This course provides guidelines for improving fire alarm system design. It shows how it is possible to strike a balance between detecting fires quickly whilst minimising the risk of false alarms. This issue has become more sensitive in light of new legislation which has seen Authorities reducing the level of emergency response depending upon the number of false alarms from individual sites.
A Guide to Service and Maintenance (1 Hour)
All building owners and occupiers have an obligation to ensure that the fire detection system on site is properly maintained. This course reviews the responsibilities of the owner / occupier and of the service provider towards protecting employees, visitors, property and your business.
Aspirating Smoke Detection (1 Hour)
Aspirating (or Air Sampling) smoke detectors are highly sensitive and can detect smoke before it is visible to the naked eye. This course provides a guide to understanding how these systems work and what environments are best suited for this type of detection. The key considerations for designing and installing an aspirating system are also covered.
An Alternative to Aspiration (1 Hour)
Protecting business critical infrastructure. This seminar discusses a number of solutions to issues faced in the use of high sensitivity smoke detectors for critical applications such as Internet data centres, Network operating centres and areas that typically have an increased fire risk due to high power requirement and density of equipment.
An Overview of BS 7273-4 (1 Hour)
Correctly closed doors play a pivotal role in restricting the spread of a fire within a building. This presentation reviews the recommendations of BS 7273-4: 2015 paying particular attention to the monitoring and activation of door release mechanisms controlled by a fire alarm system.
Central Battery Systems (1 Hour)
This seminar is a guide on emergency lighting central power supply systems, and explains the advantages and disadvantages of different types of batteries. The course also provides information on the components, wiring and testing requirements that should be carried out in accordance to BS EN 50171: 2001.
Fire Sounder Requirements (1 Hour)
Fire alarm sounders need to reach a certain decibel level in order to comply with the requirements of BS 5839-1:2017. This seminar will review the types of sounders commonly used in fire alarm systems and provide a simple calculation that can be used to assess if a system meets the necessary requirements.
Understanding Visual Alarm Devices (1 Hour)
Visual Alarm Devices (VADs) assist the hard of hearing or staff working in noisy environments to recognise when a fire alarm has been raised. This course will provide you with an overview of EN 54-23, examples of when VADs should be used and a guide to selecting the right devices depending on the environment.
Demystifying Voice Alarm / PA Systems (1.5 Hours)
A Voice Alarm or Public Address System assists in the effective evacuation of an area or building during a fire or other emergency. This presentation provides some background research and explains the benefit of having voice alarm messages, as opposed to simple alarm sounders. The course also provides some advice on what to consider when designing an audible a system.
Emergency Voice Communication Systems (1 Hour)
Emergency Voice Communication or Disabled Refuge Systems are used in buildings that contain refuge areas. The intercom system allows emergency services to be in constant contact with the people in the refuge areas who seek assistance. This session has been designed to increase your understanding of these systems and the guidance provided within British standard BS 5839-9: 2011.
Fire Safety in the NHS (1 Hour)
This seminar details the requirements for fire detection within NHS healthcare premises, in light of current Legislation, British Standards and Codes of Practice and provides guidance on the design and installation of new fire detection and alarm systems and highlights the requirements that are detailed in the NHS Firecode 05-03.
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“I found this course extremely useful and it allowed us to cascade information for the client to allow them to also understand issues more easily.”
“I thought the course was very beneficial and think it’s a good idea to look at other areas. It was good to see the factory and understand more of the process behind the components used.”