Early detection saves lives

Aspirating Smoke Detection, also known as Air Sampling Detection (ASD) systems, can detect fires at a very early stage, even before the usual visual signs of a fire become apparent.

Particularly designed to protect high risk, high value locations, including mission-critical facilities like Data Centres/Server Rooms and Distribution Centres where downtime from smoke or fires can be incredibly costly, aspirating systems can be fully integrated with traditional fire detection systems and aesthetics modified to be sympathetic to the environments in which they are installed.

Our very early detection systems are available in a variety of models to accommodate a broad range of environments and applications.

VESDA Systems

Xtralis logo

VESDA (Very Early Smoke Detection Apparatus) is a very early warning aspirating smoke detection solution.

Developed by industry leader Xtralis as one of the first air sampling-based detectors available commercially, the name VESDA has become a generic name for most air sampling applications.

FAAST Systems

Honeywell Gent logo

FAAST Fire Alarm Aspiration Sensing Technology™ is a new generation of smoke detectors from Honeywell, which uses advanced technologies and software to deliver the earliest and most accurate smoke detection.

The FAAST device range is designed to protect people and assets in even the most challenging environments where standard detection methods fail or are prone to false alarm, or in areas which may not previously have been protected.


Telecommunications facilities
Server rooms
Financial data centres
Clean rooms
Power generation facilities