The World’s First Dedicated Sauna Fire Suppression System
Saunasafe is the world’s first Fire Suppression System specifically developed for the unique environment of a Sauna.
Saunasafe has achieved third party approval from the world renowned Danish Fire Laboratories (DFL) testing house in Svendborg following fire test protocol developed by DFL.
The Saunasafe Low pressure water mist system was tested under strict conditions and to a draft approval, which was independently verified.
A cost effective and space saving solution for the protection of Saunas within the fitness, hotel and leisure industry.
In recent years the major loss caused by fires developing within Saunas has risen dramatically to the extent that there is now a need for a practical and cost effective fire system to meet this specific risk.
Saunasafe was created to respond to an unprecedented demand from both potential clients and major UK Insurers. We are currently working with UK insurers and Fire systems approvers to create a unique approval for this unique technology.

How does Saunasafe work?
This unique system picks up from existing water supplies and in the event of the system operating, will shut down this supply and dedicate the water to the fire system.
Air from the sauna is monitored whilst the Sauna is in operation, by the unique multi sensor, and in the event of smoke being detected the Saunasafe will operate an audible alarm, and also shut down the power to the Sauna heater, with the emphasis on preventing the fire.
Watch Our Saunasafe Demonstration Video
Should the smouldering product catch fire, the sensor will detect this and operate the Saunasafe suppression system, releasing low pressure water mist directly onto the risk area (heater and surrounds) and also into and across the internal parts of the Sauna. Due to the nature of sauna construction, it may be necessary to provide primary and secondary detection and protection, which will operate from the same unit.
The introduction of the water mist rapidly cools the ambient temperature and removes oxygen thus creating “inerting” which quickly suppresses and extinguishes the fire. The power is instantly shut down to the heater to remove any further heat and adverse reaction of water on the electrics.
The devastation caused by a Sauna fire is often caused through the discarding of flammable items and liquids making contact with heating elements of the Sauna. Electrical faults have also attributed to many recent major fires.
Either way, the damage from a Sauna fire can endanger lives, create massive property damage and result in a loss of revenue and commercial trust for business owners.
Features & Benefits
Early warning detection of smoke to prevent fire outbreak
Shut down of heater on possible fire detection/fire state
Rapid suppression of the fire
Low pressure water mist
Quick and easy installation/retro fit
Space saving system
Cost effective solution
Can be interfaced into Fire alarm/BMS
Environmentally friendly